A project of HELP

Academics & School learning Therapy
Mainstreaming and Autism
Mainstreaming is a somewhat old-fashioned term (the newer term is "inclusion"). When the term mainstreaming is used, it generally describes a setting in which your child is part of a typical classroom with minimal extra support. Some accommodations may be in place, but in general, your child is expected to be able to behave appropriately in a large group, attend to a teacher, and do work at or near grade level. Mainstreaming general works best for children who are high functioning and at least moderately social. It may be especially tough for children who are non-verbal, very anxious, or likely to act out when under stress. Inclusion and Autism Inclusion is the "new-fangled" term which, in general, means the same thing as "mainstreaming with support." The idea is that autistic children are included in classrooms with typical children but they may have significant support in order to be successful. Some support options include a 1:1 aide, adapted curriculum, special social groups, and more. Many parents prefer inclusion as a compromise between a special needs classroom and unsupported mainstreaming. And, indeed, inclusion can be a terrific option in the right setting. There are, however, a few potential downsides to inclusion. For example, autistic children in a typical classroom may suffer from bullying and teasing. If the child has a 1:1 aide, the teacher may see the autistic child as "taken care of," and focus their attention on other students. If the child has an adapted curriculum, it may actually be taught to him by the aide and not the trained, credentialed teacher.
The Special Needs Classroom Often, autistic children are placed in a general special needs classroom in the local public school. This option may work well if the teacher is highly trained and experienced in teaching autistic children. The groups are usually smaller, there is more opportunity to work on social skills, and special needs classes are generally included in all school activities and events. Special needs classrooms, however, are generally intended for children with typical social development who have a tough time with academics. Autistic children often have precisely the opposite problem: they're relatively comfortable with academics, but have a tough time with social skills. As a result, the program offered in the special needs classroom may be completely wrong for your child. Your child might do best in a general education classroom, a resource classroom, a special needs classroom, or an autism-only setting. She might thrive in an inclusive or segregated situation. He may be happiest in a private school that caters to a particular teaching style or to special needs students As with so much in the world of autism, the definition of a good educational program depends upon the needs of the individual child and the expectations of the child's parents. Thus, while any child with autism will do better in a classroom that supports his particular needs and learning style, the "best" option will depend on your child's needs, your district's strengths, your personal philosophy, and your pocketbook. Your child might do best in a general education classroom, a resource classroom, a special needs classroom, or an autism-only setting. She might thrive in an inclusive or segregated situation. He may be happiest in a private school that caters to a particular teaching style or to special needs students.
All this said, here are some basic elements that are critical to any successful educational program for autistic students:
1-Your child's teacher (whether a special ed teacher or a typical classroom teacher) should have both training and experience in working with autistic children.
2-your child's teacher should have both implicit and explicit support from the school administration. She should be able to access resources, training, and materials as needed.
3-Your child's teacher should be able (based on her abilities and resources, and on the school's policies) to modify program and curriculum to your child's needs and strengths based on your child's IEP (Individualized Educational Program). In the case of a private school and IEP will not be honored, so it will be up to the parents and administration to develop an appropriate program.
4-You should be able to see evidence of various different teaching styles in use in your child's classroom.
5-Other teachers, including gym, library, and other specials teachers, should be able to access resources and supports as they work with your child.
6-you should see evidence that learners are challenged and supported both academically and socially.
7-Supportive therapies, such as speech, physical and occupational therapy, should all be available on-site and free of additional charge.
Mainstreaming? Inclusion? Special needs classes? Public school? Private school? Which is best for your child? The answer, of course, is — it all depends! Some questions to consider as you begin thinking about your options are: Is your autistic child verbal and engaged? How are her academic skills? Can he handle large groups? Does she do well with a lot of sensory input? Does he have difficulties with focus? Has she had a tough time in typical classrooms in the past? What kinds of programs can your public school offer? How well do local programs fit your child's needs and abilities? Are there local private or charter options that make logistical and financial sense for your family?