A project of HELP

Functional Adaptive Living Skills
Functional/Adaptive Living skills For people with autism, learning life skills is essential to increase independence at home, at school and in the community. By introducing these skills early and building block by block, people with autism gain the tools that will allow him or her to increase self esteem and lead to more happiness in all areas of life. Our life skills strategies and ideas will help our community get started and provide tools to support continued learning through the transition from school to adult life.
What Are Life Skills?
Life skills are sometimes referred to as independent living skills or daily living skills. Basic life skills include self-care activities, cooking, money management, shopping, room organization and transportation. These skills are learned over time, beginning at home at a very young age and developing further throughout adolescence and adulthood. Learning a wide range of life skills that apply to many areas of life is critical. It is also important to include executive function skills or thinking skills such as organizing, planning, prioritizing and decision making related to each life skill being taught. Categories of life skills include:
How To Teach Life Skills?
Every person with autism is different, so the life skills that will be taught, and the pace that they are taught, will vary from person to person. For example, one young adult with autism may ultimately be able to live on his or her own with very little, if any, outside support, while another may require supports and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Starting to develop life skills to the best of a child's ability at a young age will make a difference as they get older. There are endless life skills to learn which will be taught and practiced at home, school, and in the community. Most people with autism benefit from clear, hands-on instruction in life skills that will help them to increase independence. Life Skills classes or independent living programs are common ways to learn these skills and are usually led by a teacher or therapist. Life skills training should occur in natural environments where the skills being taught relate directly to the type of environment the person is going to live and use them. This means learning cooking skills in a kitchen, or learning laundry skills in a laundromat.
Categories of life skills include:
Health and safety.
Career path and employment.
Peer relationships, socialization and social communication.
Community participation and personal finance.
Home living skills.
Functional life skills are essential for all individuals to learn and develop as they get older to learn to be more independent with their everyday life. It can feel overwhelming when you think about all the different areas of life skills you can teach and that someone has to try to learn.
Self-Care Skills
Taking shirt on and off
Taking pants on and off
Taking underwear on and off
Taking bra on and off
Taking socks on and off
Taking shoes on and off
Tying shoes
Completing buttons and zippers on clothing
Tie a tie
Pick out appropriate clothes for the day/weather
Mend tears in clothing/sew a button
Picking out the right sized clothing
Read and understand fabric labels
Folding clothes and putting them away in the appropriate location
Personal Hygiene
How to Use the Toilet
Washing hands
Taking shower
Taking bath
Brushing hair
Brushing teeth
Washing face
Shaving face
Shaving legs
Menstrual cycle cleanliness
Applying makeup
Kitchen Skills
Making a sandwich
Getting a snack from the fridge or cupboard
Getting a bowl of cereal to eat
Making toast
Pouring self a drink (milk, water, or juice)
Reheating a meal in the microwave
Packing lunch for school
Follow a basic recipe
Using toaster
Using the oven to make a meal
pack leftovers from dinner
Read food labels
Knife safety skills
Tell ripe food from spoiled food
Set the table
Home Management Skills
Cleaning up toys, putting away in bin/basket
Washing a load of laundry in the washer and using the dryer
Sweeping the floor
Vacuuming the floor
Throwing away items in the trash
Taking out the trash
Sorting out recyclables
Washing off countertops
Washing dishes
Loading dishwasher
Washing dishes by hand
Cleaning the shower/bathtub
Cleaning the toilet
Putting away clothes
Put dirty clothes in the hamper
Folding clothes
Making the bed
Sorting certain items in the home and organizing them into the correct location
Feeding Pets
Bring in and put away groceries
Basic home repair skills such as unclogging toilet or sink
Taking Care of Body/Health and Safety
Taking medicine
Treating a wound
How to rescue and what to say to the operator
How to stop bleeding from a cut
What to do in a fire
What do to in an emergency
Knows own address
Knows basic medical information about themselves
Understands stranger safety
Use an epi-pen for self or for friends
How to call the doctor to make an appointment
How to go to the doctor
How to take over the counter medicine safely for common illnesses
Shopping/Community Outing Skills
Making a grocery/shopping list
Going to the grocery store
Finding food or items at the store
Purchasing food/items at the cash register at the store
Order items online to be shipped to home
How to checkout at online store
Using public transportation safely
Walk around the neighborhood safely
Crossing a busy street and parking lot
Understanding car safety when driving
How to read road signs
How to go to a restaurant
How to go to the mall
How to go to the park
How to go to the movie theater
Functional Life Skills at School
Eating lunch in the lunchroom
Having an organized desk/locker
Getting the homework completed each day
Following school routine
Hanging up backpack and coat
Getting ready for recess
Using the bathroom/restroom at school
Getting food from the vending machine
Navigating to the correct classroom
Staying at a school desk
Typing on computer
Checking out a book from the library
Organization Skills
Get up in time and ready for the day to go to school/work on time
Create a checklist of things to do in the day
identify important tasks vs. non-important tasks
Meet deadlines
Develop a daily routine
Takes care of their things and know where they are in the home
Money Skills
Creating a budget
how to manage a checking account
how to manage a savings account
How to use an ATM
How to write a check
How to pay with dollar bills
How to pay with debit/credit card
Understand how credit works
How to save money
How to pay bills
Understand how taxes work
Deficits in self-help skills are not seen to be one of the core deficits of ASD. However, it is a deficit that many individuals with ASD display, leaving them unable to complete basic tasks such as bathing, toileting, eating or dressing.
To conclude, self-care for those with autism should be brought more to light, so that people who do struggle with self-care can benefit and help themselves. This is important. Getting help either from your GP or a therapist can help you feel more comfortable and happy with yourself.